• Sat. Jun 29th, 2024


Info About Punk, Post Punk, Ska, Garage Rock and Grunge Music From Around The Globe


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  • Echoes Of Alienation And Unity: With Paul And Tony of Germany’s Circolo Vizioso (Q&A)

Echoes Of Alienation And Unity: With Paul And Tony of Germany’s Circolo Vizioso (Q&A)

From the opening title track, "Verrueckt," to the last, "Haeuser," the new album by Circolo Viziosco is concerned with the ways society divides us and contributes to unwellness ('Verrueckt' is…

Neon Straightjackets Talk Songwriting, Debut Album In Candid Q And A

Hailing from Ohio, Neon Straightjackets deliver on the promise of their colorful band name, with an energetic sound and intelligent lyrics.

Martin Bisi’s Occult, Erotic, Chaotic ‘Mystery Of The Skin Suit’

The video for Martin Bisi's “Mystery of The Skin Suit” features a luscious lady in scenes of witchcraft with candles, and also with Bisi pursuing her in a New York…

Q and A: With Clinton Jacob Of Mr. Phylzzz

Mr. Phylzzz new album Cancel Culture Club is brilliant, and the band is on the road performing as a two piece. I spoke with Clinton Jacob, the band’s guitarist and…

Q and A: Zac Of Zachary Ross And The Divine Talks Songwriting, Vulnerability, And ‘Rebuilding Heaven’

After his previous band Man Overboard fell apart, Philadelphia's Zac Eisenstein got together with friends to form Zachary Ross And The Divine.

Stud Count’s Debut LP Hits Hard

Out of Philadelphia, Stud Count Delivers A Solid Hardcore Punk Album With Their Self-Titled Debut.

Nahja Mora Gets Cathartic On Expressionistic ‘AHFHAOTA’

Nahja Mora's AHFHAOTA is a perplexing album, one that is ultimately satisfying as it reveals its secrets on repeated plays.

The Warhawks: Saviors Of Rock And Roll?

By mixing classic influences with stellar songwriting and new sounds, The Warhawks out of New Jersey are saving rock and roll.

NC17 Flips The Punk Script With Positive Message

After releasing their debut "Nasty Habits," the punk band NC17 are focused on conquering the vibrant punk scene near Richmond, Virginia.

Beyond Genres With California’s PREGNANT: Interview

'I'm past consideration of genre in a lot of ways, and I consider it hampers the whole process of music,' says Daniel Trudeau of PREGNANT.